Wisconsin Approved Pepper Spray

Pepper spray, akin to a vigilant sentry, is a self-defense tool employed by individuals seeking personal protection in the state of Wisconsin. This article aims to provide an objective and impersonal examination of the regulations governing the possession and use of pepper spray in Wisconsin.

By detailing the maximum permitted concentration, canister size restrictions, and the approved types of pepper sprays, readers will gain a comprehensive understanding of the parameters within which they may legally acquire and carry this defensive substance.

Additionally, information on pricing and availability will be presented to aid individuals in making informed decisions regarding their self-defense needs.

Key Takeaways

  • Pepper spray in Wisconsin must comply with regulations regarding concentration limits and canister size.
  • Concealed canisters, such as pens or lipsticks, are prohibited in Wisconsin.
  • There are several approved types of pepper sprays available in Wisconsin that meet the regulations.
  • The pricing of pepper sprays in Wisconsin varies depending on the type and retailer.

Regulations for Carrying Pepper Spray in Wisconsin

The regulations for carrying pepper spray in Wisconsin include a maximum concentration limit of 10% OC or 1.2% MC. Additionally, the canister size must be less than 60g (2oz) and only conventional aerosol canisters are permitted.

It is important to note that concealed canisters, such as those disguised as pens or lipsticks, are prohibited. These regulations aim to ensure the safe and responsible use of pepper spray in Wisconsin.

By setting limits on the concentration and size of canisters, the regulations help to prevent excessive use or misuse of pepper spray. Furthermore, prohibiting concealed canisters helps to prevent potential misuse or accidents.

Overall, these regulations serve to protect both individuals carrying pepper spray and the general public.

Maximum Concentration Allowed in Wisconsin

Maximum concentration allowed for OC or MC in pepper sprays in Wisconsin is 10% or 1.2%. This regulation ensures that the pepper sprays available in the market are within safe limits and do not pose a significant threat to individuals.

The use of a table can help visualize the types of pepper sprays allowed in Wisconsin. The table consists of two columns and three rows, displaying the names of the pepper sprays and their corresponding specifications.

This format provides a clear and concise overview of the approved pepper sprays, allowing individuals to make informed decisions when purchasing pepper sprays in Wisconsin.

Canister Size Restrictions in Wisconsin

Canister size restrictions in the state ensure that pepper sprays available for purchase comply with the maximum size limit of 60g (2oz), as specified by the regulations. This restriction aims to regulate the amount of pepper spray that individuals can carry for personal safety purposes.

By limiting the size of the canister, the state ensures that the pepper spray is portable and easy to handle. Additionally, it prevents the misuse of pepper spray by limiting the quantity that can be carried.

The canister size restriction is an important aspect of the regulations in Wisconsin, as it helps maintain public safety while allowing individuals to possess and use pepper spray for self-defense.

Approved Types of Pepper Sprays in Wisconsin

Approved types of pepper sprays in the state of Wisconsin include the Pepper Spray Hard Key Chain 1/2 oz, Pepper Spray with Quick Release Keychain, Pepper Spray 2 oz Stream, MACE PepperGard Personal Model, and MACE PepperGard Pepper Spray – Police Model. These pepper sprays comply with the regulations set forth by the state, such as a maximum concentration of 10% OC or 1.2% MC and a canister size of less than 60g (2oz). To provide a visual representation of the available options, a table is presented below:

Type of Pepper SprayPrice
Pepper Spray Hard Key Chain 1/2 oz$10.49
Pepper Spray with Quick Release Keychain$11.85
Pepper Spray 2 oz Stream$13.95
MACE PepperGard Personal Model$20.95
MACE PepperGard Pepper Spray – Police Model$20.95

These pepper sprays can be easily obtained in Wisconsin, ensuring personal safety in potentially dangerous situations.

Pepper Sprays Available for Purchase in Wisconsin

The available options for purchase in the state of Wisconsin include the following pepper sprays:

  1. Pepper Spray Hard Key Chain 1/2 oz
  2. Pepper Spray with Quick Release Keychain
  3. Pepper Spray 2 oz Stream
  4. MACE PepperGard Personal Model
  5. MACE PepperGard Pepper Spray – Police Model

These pepper sprays are legally allowed to be carried in Wisconsin, as they adhere to the regulations set forth by the state.

It is important to note that the maximum concentration allowed is 10% OC or 1.2% MC, and the canister size must be less than 60g (2oz). Only conventional aerosol canisters are permitted, while concealed canisters such as pens or lipsticks are not allowed.

It is also worth mentioning that the pricing and availability of these pepper sprays may vary.

Pricing of Pepper Sprays in Wisconsin

Moving on to the current subtopic, we will now discuss the pricing of pepper sprays in Wisconsin. It is important to note that the prices mentioned here are subject to change and may vary depending on the retailer.

The pricing options available for pepper sprays in Wisconsin include the following:

  • Pepper Spray Hard Key Chain 1/2 oz priced at $10.49
  • Pepper Spray with Quick Release Keychain priced at $11.85
  • Pepper Spray 2 oz Stream priced at $13.95
  • MACE PepperGard Personal Model priced at $20.95
  • MACE PepperGard Pepper Spray – Police Model also priced at $20.95

These prices give consumers a range of options to choose from based on their budget and preferences.

Additionally, it is worth mentioning that availability and stock levels may vary, so buyers should verify the availability of the desired pepper spray before making a purchase decision.

Availability of Pepper Sprays in Wisconsin

Regarding the availability of pepper sprays, it is important to note that there are various options to choose from in Wisconsin. These include the Pepper Spray with Visor Clip 1/2 oz, Pepper Spray 2 oz Fogger, and MACE Hard Key Chain.

The availability of pepper sprays in Wisconsin is not restricted, and they can be easily purchased. Some popular options include the Pepper Spray with Visor Clip 1/2 oz, which offers a convenient way to carry the spray, the Pepper Spray 2 oz Fogger, which provides a wider coverage area, and the MACE Hard Key Chain, which is compact and easy to carry.

These pepper sprays are readily available for purchase in Wisconsin, allowing individuals to choose the option that best suits their needs and preferences.

Pepper Spray With Visor Clip in Wisconsin

Pepper sprays in Wisconsin, such as the one equipped with a visor clip, provide users with a convenient and easily accessible option for self-defense. The visor clip feature allows individuals to attach the pepper spray to their car’s sun visor, ensuring it is within reach at all times.

This type of pepper spray is particularly useful for individuals who frequently travel in their vehicles and may encounter potentially dangerous situations. The visor clip design offers a hands-free option, allowing users to quickly and efficiently deploy the pepper spray if needed.

Additionally, the compact size and portability of the visor clip pepper spray make it discreet and easy to carry. Overall, the inclusion of a visor clip enhances the usability and effectiveness of pepper sprays in Wisconsin for personal protection.

Pepper Spray 2 Oz Fogger in Wisconsin

The previous subtopic discussed the availability of Pepper Spray with Visor Clip in Wisconsin. Now, the current subtopic focuses on Pepper Spray 2 Oz Fogger in Wisconsin.

This type of pepper spray is designed to release a fog-like spray pattern, which creates a wide coverage area and can potentially affect multiple attackers simultaneously. The fogger spray pattern is particularly useful in situations where there is a need for crowd control or when dealing with multiple assailants.

It provides a strong deterrent effect and can temporarily incapacitate an attacker, allowing the user to escape or seek help. The Pepper Spray 2 Oz Fogger is approved for use in Wisconsin and is readily available for purchase.

Michigan Approved Pepper Spray Options in Wisconsin

Michigan has authorized various options for the purchase of self-defense sprays in Wisconsin. These options provide individuals with a range of choices when it comes to selecting a pepper spray for personal protection. The following table highlights three Michigan-approved pepper sprays available for purchase in Wisconsin:

Pepper SprayConcentrationPrice
Pepper Shot 2oz1.2% MC$10.49
MACE Hard Key Chain10% OC$14.95
MACE PepperGard Pocket10% OC$20.95

These options offer individuals the ability to choose between different concentrations and price points, allowing for customization based on personal preferences and budget. It is important to note that while Michigan has authorized these pepper sprays for purchase in Wisconsin, individuals must still adhere to the regulations set by Wisconsin regarding the carrying and use of pepper sprays.